The USAID Agribusiness Incubator and Development Activity (Lot C) is an initiative that aims to strengthen the commercial agricultural sector in Liberia, especially for women and youth, in five priority counties: Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, and Bomi.

ATI/USAID recruited incubators to undertake agribusiness incubator services, including the facilitation of business development services for Liberian entrepreneurs (small and growing businesses) to increase investment and productivity.
Led by iCampus Liberia in partnership with a consortium consisting of Business Start-up Center-Monrovia, AgroTech Liberia, GrowthAfrica, and East Africa Market Development Associates, the activity is poised to unlock the full potential of Liberia’s agriculture sector. Through targeted interventions and strategic partnerships, it will empower entrepreneurs to thrive in the dynamic business landscape.

The economic potential of Liberia’s agriculture sector is vast, yet it remains largely untapped due to various constraints. Recognizing the critical role of the private sector in unlocking this potential, the Agribusiness Incubator and Development Activity—Lot C aims to foster the growth of private sector agribusiness firms across the entire agricultural value chain.

At the heart of this initiative is the goal of strengthening the commercial agricultural sector, with a particular focus on empowering women and youth agri-preneurs. By addressing key constraints such as access to finance, networks, business sophistication, information, and know-how, the activity seeks to catalyze the growth and productivity of Liberian agribusinesses.

Through a blend of interventions, the activity aims to accelerate entrepreneurs with new ideas, award selected entrepreneurs with grants in the range of US $10,000, US$25,000, and US$50,000, foster an improved network of business service providers, strengthen agriculture value chains, create jobs, and enhance the overall business-enabling environment in Liberia.

The Agribusiness Incubator and Development Activity will create a more enabled agribusiness and entrepreneurship ecosystem, especially focusing on supporting women and youth-owned enterprises in both urban and rural areas of Liberia. With multiple cohorts of incubatees per year and demand-driven pitch events across five counties, including Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, and Bomi, the activity aims to accelerate promising entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and increase their access to finance.

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